Monday 11 March 2013


I've discovered that I'm more likely to eat rubbish when I am on my own.  I don't think that is unusual or that I am on my own with the fact that I snack when bored.  I used to use food as treats, so I would say to myself "once I've done that pile of ironing I will have a coffee and some biscuits" and as much as I still have a coffee, it isn't quite the same and that is when my will power is at its weakest.  I haven't made things easier for myself as I've put chocolate eggs and bunnies out ready for Easter.  I can't deny that I have eaten the little eggs on occasion but I'm pleased to report that the bunnies are still there, looking smugly at me from the mantelpiece.

It is habits like this that are hard to break because it isn't about a craving for a certain food or hunger but an automatic response to certain times or situations.  Some of them have gone without me knowing why or how.  I always had a dessert of some kind, even if it was just a fruit yoghurt or a biscuit but now I rarely have anything other than a cup of coffee and I don't want it and if I do, natural yoghurt is normally sufficient for me.

But I need to get daytime boredom snacking under control.  Now don't get me wrong, I don't sit around when I'm at home on my own but the will power isn't as strong when there is only me to impress.  I need to find ways of stopping it and I'm short of ideas at the moment.  This is obviously going to be the week 6 diet challenge.

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