Thursday 7 March 2013

Week 5

A return to phase 1 seems to have done the trick because I managed to lose the weight I had gained plus a bit more.  Yesterday morning was the end of week 5 and my weight is now 14st 7.25lb, making a total loss of 1st 4.75lb.  I'm pleased with that after the blow out weekend, I honestly thought I was heading for a gain this week and I do think if I had stayed on phase 2 I would have but I managed to pull it back.

In some ways this week has been easier than the first time but in others it has been hard.  I've found that I've been hungry a lot but I think that is more to do with the infamous time of the month and having to only have small lunches at odd times at work.  I've tried to just stick to 3 meals a day but I have had to have a snack a couple of times because the hunger was bad.  They weren't cravings though, but real stomach growling hunger pangs.

Today is the last day of doing the return to phase 1, so I will report any further weight loss in the morning.  I'm hoping for another pound but won't be upset if I don't.

I have found a couple of phase 1 meals that we can have during phase 2 which were really enjoyable.  Firstly   we had liver, bacon and onions with broccoli, nice and tasty and healthy and last night I made some meatballs in tomato sauce which we had with diced vegetables.  I will be having both of these meals again, particularly the meatballs which were enjoyed by all the family.

I have found the hardest bit is trying to find recipes that all the family will eat.  My husband isn't keen on liver, my daughter won't even try it.  My daughter loved the meatballs but not the tomato sauce they were in.  I try and get my daughter to try everything we have as I would love her to eat an unprocessed diet but don't want it to become a big issue, I would rather she chose to do it.  So for now, it is just about letting her taste and try things in the hope that she will start to enjoy it.  She loves mashed potatoes, which we can't have with a roast dinner but she can, but boiling 2 potatoes is a lot of messing around, so going to look at how well mash potatoes freeze and plan on making a big batch to freeze in ice cream scoop sizes, so that it is less wasteful on the days that we have roasts.

Week 5 stats

Start weight 15st 12lb
Current weight 14st 7.25lb
Week 5 loss 1.5lb
Total loss 1st 4.75lb

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